Drug supply is constantly in flux. When you buy drugs on the street, you don’t always know what you’re getting. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, drugs are less available, less potent, more dangerous and more expensive. One way to reduce opioid overdoses in Alberta is safe supply. This means providing medical-grade opioid prescriptions to patients so that they don’t have to use illicit, and often unsafe, opioids. 

Many of us have lost various things throughout the course of the pandemic. In this personal piece, I share my experience about losing my love of music. 

Before Jyoti Gondek was elected the mayor of Calgary, I interviewed her for the Calgary Journal's candidate coverage. Gondek made history by becoming the first woman to be elected Calgary's mayor. Her platform was rooted in confronting Calgary's challenges through economic, social and environmental resilience. 

Rural Albertan Farmers experience stress at higher levels than the average person. This is why Rural albertans are advocating for a 24-Hour helpline specifically for Alberta farmers. 

Experiencing racism in small-town Alberta stuck with Taylor McNallie — leading her to co-found the anti-racist group Inclusive Canada. As a well-known activist, Taylor McNallie uses her platform to shift Alberta’s communities towards being anti-racist. 

Lucy Dunne was in a cycle of binge eating, over-exercising, and self-criticism for years, but the body she used to destroy herself is the very same thing she now uses to heal herself and others.

David Harvey has struggled with anxiety for most of his life but as a pastor, he was at first apprehensive that sharing his story might be a risk that could get him fired.

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